XLIII - Scotland Serenity Grand rising Reader. One of the biggest things that irked me in a job, was the need to approve holiday time. Being my own boss, to decide what to do with my own time was one of biggest pulls. So I can pack a duffel bag, throw my laptop in a bag, take a six hour drive to see some family, and do this: It's a six hour drive. Time to get some food with the family. Next morning, head to the first loch of several. Sounds like a good time for some paddle boarding. It's time to jump in. Take a swim. Some good old resistance for a better workout. Seems like a good time to head to the cinema. The Mummy is on. 25 year anniversary. Utter childhood classic. The next day, it's another loch. And of course, more swimming. Oh yeah, Spain vs England tonight? Ah well, it's not the Arsenal. But I got mingling with some locals, and took a grand total of 0 pictures. Ooft, next morning. Alcohol never sits right with me, so I rarely drink. Time to step up a six hour hike to see the top of two mountains. I can hear you saying "Isn't this just a holiday?". No, the business never stops. So a quick trek the next morning with the dog to stretch out the soreness. And then it was business that night. And the next day... and the next... My business is at full capacity right now. I'm very blessed, so these days didn't feel much like work, just maintaining the life I always dreamed off. And then you guessed it. Back to a loch. How about some highland games the next day? Go on then. I got the itch now that night. While we're having a BBQ. Something I've not done... So the next day... Wait.. after that... There we go. We picked such a beautiful and quiet spot, we were interrupted by people who wanted to plan their wedding for the next day. Hope they had a beautiful celebration. Another cinema trip happened somewhere. Several more BBQ's & hikes. A trip to remember, all while my business grew. Approached by a company which meant I am currently negotiating in the big leagues. My first taste. I'll handle it feeling like: I am fortunate. I am grateful. But it has taken me three years to get here. Ever since looking down at that cake. Soon it'll be Spain, then Japan, then Thailand, then... who knows. You can achieve everything you ever dreamed off, just flick the switch. |
Former NPC turned entrepreneur. Join hundreds of readers where each newsletter is a quest towards conquering personal growth, business success, and finding purpose in every moment.
Edition 46 XLVI - 95% Holiday Grand rising Reader. Recently, I have been travelling, and with more travelling coming up, things are not slowing down for me. Business is at max capacity, and I'm thinking hard about the next level up while in a digital nomad era. Having said that, wherever I am, I am normally working as well. That was until a recent trip to Estepona, Spain. I decided for a "cleaner" break. I took the week off from two clients. I have never done this until now. With one client,...
Edition 45 XLV - Searching for Bobby Fischer Grand rising Reader. The other night, I was incredibly sore from kickboxing (a fantastic feeling) and decided to sit down and watch a film. Classically, we can get stung by indecision, but we all know how to handle that: XXXV - The Greatest Skill You Can Learn Nevertheless, I already had one choice in mind. "Searching for Bobby Fischer" Now Bobby Fischer, if you haven't heard of him, is one of the greatest chess players in history - if not the...
Edition 44 XLIV - Psoriasis Life Lessons Let's do some more time travelling today Reader. Back to 13/14 year old me one Saturday in summer. We were on the way into town, but needed to drop my sister off for her shift first. My hair was longer than normal, and I remember feeling gruffly. When we dropped of my sister, my mum who also worked at the same place needed to head in for 5 minutes, so I waited in the car. I would soon be working at the same place, and do a stint of around six long...