XVII - The Solopreneur Dilemma

XVII - The Solopreneur Dilemma

A fine Sunday afternoon, eh Reader?

Blessings every day, we are truly rewarded in this game of life.

Especially rewarded by the people around us.

Our friends, our family.

They can keep a man from going insane and bring some of the greatest beauty into our short time of existence.

Online, you will see a lot of people advertising the solopreneur lifestyle.

Run it alone and create a business giving you complete control over your life.

You decide what you want when you want.

No bosses, no haggling colleagues.

It sounds fantastic, right?

But I found the reality of solopreneurship different.

The tedious tasks.

The admin work.

Throwing 3 hours work down the drain because you missed an error.

And the worst part?

The loneliness.

12 hour days in front of a screen with no calls to the outside world.

Because your business requires everything done online, and if you are in the right mindset, you will be doing what it achieves to make that happen.

Nothing else mattered.

Sure, you may train.

Take a walk.

Did you do that alone as well?

And when you return you are drowning in ideas and drafts wallowing in your own indecisiveness on what is worth the extent of your time.

Hold on.

Ohhhh that's right; solopreneur's outsource all of this in their "one man business".

All the admin, the tedious chores, the VA (virtual assistant) keeps it ticking over.

The glue to your system and funnels.

Now, there are people out there who truly are solopreneurs.

But they are few.

The majority work in teams, collaborations, - with other people.

Not on their own.

I was sold the solopreneur dream.

I would almost go as far to say it's a scam.

How many truly work alone?

You may have said, but Tommy, all of this happens when creating a business with people?

The long days, the errors, the tedious tasks.

Of course.

I tried it.

I tested the solopreneur world.

And it's true what they say.

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together".

This can be applied to all aspects in the game of life.

Do you understand?

Which will you choose?

Ahh, it's not one or the other...

We always come back to balance...

We can apply both for victory.

I'll leave that with you to meditate on.

"The game of life is a single player game played in a multiplayer world"

The Game of Life

Former NPC turned entrepreneur. Join hundreds of readers where each newsletter is a quest towards conquering personal growth, business success, and finding purpose in every moment.

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