XXXVIII - Word of Mouth

XXXVIII - Word of Mouth

Good afternoon Reader.

Today, is a quick one, and something for you to think on.

The importance of word of mouth.

Word of mouth is an integral part to what makes a business successful.

Think about it.

While ads are an effective way to get started, how many times have you bought from an ad?

How many times have you bought because you read good copy?

Perhaps a couple.

But how many times have you bought because someone recommended it to you?

A friend, a family member, even a colleague.

You know the person, and there is reduced friction.

Someone says you should try this product, attend this event, eat at that restaurant.

I don't know the exact statistics, but from my experience it is a lot higher.

And this is what you need to bring over to business.

Ads can get you going and play a part, but once the product and client ball starts rolling, DELIVER & OVERDELIVER.

I can guarantee you will have more people come to you through inbound leads from the satisfied customers you served.

They want a piece of what you diced up to their friends.

Now flip it.

Imagine someone says not to use a product, or a service with the same level of trust.

You are going to stay clear.

This is why you overdeliver and exceed expectations.

Where a good rep can 100x your business a bad rep can reduce it to dust.

A single tweet, a single post, and everything you have had comes crumbling down.

But don't be a people pleaser.

Work towards your smallest viable audience and overdeliver.

What proof do I have?

I have received more clients through word of mouth, than any other strategy.

The Game of Life

Former NPC turned entrepreneur. Join hundreds of readers where each newsletter is a quest towards conquering personal growth, business success, and finding purpose in every moment.

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